Started by Hankosaurus, August 12, 2019, 07:42:14 AM

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These Rules were originally posted January 29, 2010 and have been restored from a backup.

Fellow JJMPF Members,

To promote simplicity, fairness, and harmony in buying, selling, and trading Members' own personal photographic items with fellow Members here on JJMPF, the following rules and guidelines have been implemented.

Buy and Sell & Forum Rules and Guidelines

1a. Refinement of Rules
These rules, guidelines, and suggestions will be refined as needed to best represent the needs of the JJMPF Membership.  Recent changes are indicated with a Blue Bold Title.

1b. For JJMPF Members Only
The JJMPF Buy and Sell board is for the benefit of JJMPF Members.  Members are allowed to sell their own personal photography related gear, photo-printers, film scanners, darkroom related equipment, and devices and attachments needed to create images.  Rules and clarifications follow.

2a. Photography Related Items Only
Items offered must be firstly and fundamentally photographic in nature.  Computers, computer accessories, multifunction gadgets, media players, cellphones, generic devices, and other objects which are not intended primarily for imagemaking are beyond the scope and intent of the JJMPF Buy and Sell Forum, and are forbidden, except as permitted in Rule 2b.

2b. Exceptions:
If a multi-use electronic device is an integral component of a camera (e.g. snaps onto, or goes into a camera), AND without which same device the Member's camera would not record/capture files/images, then that device will be permitted. Examples include Compact Flash, SDHC, Micro SD cards, camera brand battery packs and/or the charger for a specific camera. Other multi-use devices may be permitted if they are firstly and fundamentally photographic in their nature. For example, a film scanner or a photo quality printer will be allowed.

For Sale threads containing disqualified items, even if included in a thread offering some otherwise qualified items, are subject to be removed.

3. Indicate Intent in Title.
The title of a thread in the Buy and Sell Forum shall indicate the poster's intent to buy, sell, trade, or reference a link to an external auction. For example, WTB: (want to buy), WTS: (want to sell), WTT: (want to trade), OA: (outside of forum auction like eBay), HELP: (asking a general question), or TIP: or FYI: (sharing a useful tip or info).

4. Indicate Result in Title.
As a courtesy to fellow Members, once a sale is completed or withdrawn, the seller is strongly encouraged to use the Edit/Modify feature to change the title of the ORIGINAL post to indicate the completed status. For example, by adding "SOLD" or "Sale Withdrawn." The seller may also send a PM to any of the Moderators to request that the same thread be locked. Do NOT strike through text for sold items.

5a. Indicate Products in Title.
The products in Buy and Sell must be briefly indicated in the thread's title. They must be photographic in nature. For example,  WTS: Nikon 50mm F1.8    or    WTB: Canon 7D

5b. No Delayed or Conditional Future Availability
The product(s) offered must be available in the present, and for a clearly specified price. Exceptions: 1. Threads organizing Members' support for Group Purchase of an item.  2. Sales may end at some specified future time. For example, a sale offer may begin today, but may end within a specified number of days of the seller's choosing.  A seller may withdraw his sale offer at any time.

6a. Indicate and Update Price(s) and Available Equipment in Opening Post.
Members selling their photographic equipment MUST indicate the equipment offered and the prices at which they are offered within the opening post.  The opening post MUST continuously indicate what remains available, and at what prices. This saves time and improves sales opportunity.

6b. Indicate Related Costs in Opening Post
Seller should indicate whether or not associated costs (like Shipping, Insurance, or Taxes (if applicable)), will be the seller's or the buyer's responsibility.

7. Logical Combination Encouraged
One may sell more than one item by combining them into one listing. For example, WTS: Canon kit and accessories.

8. Photographs of Product(s) offered MUST be included.
Photographs MUST include in the frame a piece of paper, handwritten, with Member's name, the last three digits of the serial number of the item (if serial number exists), and the the date of posting. This increases buyers' interest by reducing buyers' doubts about the integrity of the offer and of the quality of the products. If the seller sees that a product has a clearly visible defect, he/she is required to provide a clear image and description of it to be sure that the limitation is well understood before a deal is struck. These photographs and posted pricing may NOT be deleted or changed once the offer/thread is closed. Do NOT strike through text for sold items.

8b. Store Images Externally
Place your images on an external image sharing server (e.g. Flikr, etc.).  Link them to JJMPF so that they appear immediately within the post when the thread is opened.

9. Keep Opening Offer Post Simple.
Offers should be simple, limited to an item, or to a small group of logically related items. Offers should not be disjointed or large, like a yard sale, with many different things listed.  If necessary, seller should make multiple threads to keep things logical and simple.  It is recommended that items within each offer thread be limited to six or less.

10. Be Specific with Trade Offers.
In WTT threads, specifically indicate object(s) offered and wanted in trade in the opening post. Must not be vague, nor take on any qualities of an auction.

11. Format for Opening Post
The following format is suggested as a convenience to provide a checklist and a common organizational tool for items offered for sale.  Just copy and paste it into a new WTS thread. Edit it as needed, and fill it out like a form.  The leading Cautionary Statement MUST be included.

Caution!  Buyers are strongly advised to read the Forum Rules and do their own due diligence before buying.
Item for Sale:
Asking Price:
Item Location:
Item's Age & its Description:
Are you the original owner* of the item being sold?
Do you have the original Bill?
Objects included for listed item** (caps, lens shade, box, etc.):
Missing or damaged parts of item offered***:
Is the Item under warranty?
What is the shutter count?  (if digital camera with curtain/focal-plane shutter)
Are you interested in trading this item?
Condition (Appearance/Functionality):
Repairs done and parts replaced:
Optics condition,  Front/Back/Inside with respect to:   Fungus:    Dust:    Haze:    Scratches:    Aperture function:
Shipping Destinations:
Preferred Shipping Services:
Accepted Payment Types:
Return Policy Applicable/Not Applicable (Terms & Conditions):
Special Note:

* "Original owner" means that the seller bought the object when it was "new" or "as new," and it was not bought having measurable use or second-handed. A reasonable person would allow that this leaves enough space for a "white box" or "refurbished" unit to be regarded as "new" or "as new" when bought.
** If an item such as a lens or camera body is offered, indicate what objects which normally attach to it are included. For a body, a body lens mount cap, for example. For a lens, end caps and lens shade, for example.
*** Indicate any items not present which may normally be expected to be provided with the product. Disclose damage to offered item in the opening post. For example, fungus, scratched coatings, sticky aperture, etc.

12. No Introduction of New Items in Replies
Replies must not be used to introduce different or additional items. Only the "Opening Post" can be used for this.

13a. Singular Representation of Items for Sale
Each item listed must appear in only one Buy and Sell thread. Pricing and images shall be inside the opening post. Buying and Selling shall only be allowed within the Buy and Sell Forum.

13b. No Sales Advertised in Taglines
Do not list items for sale within signatures or taglines.  These shall not be used to advertise any product or any for-profit service.  Neither shall they refer to links to any business(es).

14. Multiple Identities Strictly Forbidden on JJMPF
Multiple identities shall not be used anywhere on JJMPF.  This sows confusion and distrust.  Such also provides a mechanism to circumvent these Rules.  If you see such activity, please alert the Moderators. Violators' accounts are subject to be locked.

15a. No Commercial Sales Activity
Commercial and pecuniary sales activities are not allowed within any JJMPF Forum. The JJMPF Buy and Sell forum is provided for the benefit of its Members only. JJMPF shall NOT serve as a profit making platform for external businesses, nor for promoting personal business, nor for the brokerage for the sale, rent, or trading of anything, nor of any service.   See 15a Note.

15a Note: Singular Exception to 15a:
This website is owned, funded, and maintained without cost to Members by JJMehta, a commercial business enterprise.  An occasional product or service offer from JJMehta may appear on this site.

15b. No Speculative Buying and Selling
Buying equipment from a JJMPF Member and then reselling it in the JJMPF Buy & Sell Forum thereafter (for a profit) constitutes a pecuniary business activity.  This is strictly forbidden in the JJMPF Buy & Sell Forum. See Rules 15a and 17.

15c. No Rental Services
Rental of equipment constitutes a forbidden profit-motivated business activity.  Members may freely borrow and lend equipment amongst themselves, but such activity must not in any case take on the appearance of a profit-motivated business activity.  See Rule 15a.

16a. Member Selling Equipment for a Friend.
JJMPF Members may post an occasional thread to sell for a friend.  The posting Member shall accept full responsibility for the transaction as if it were his own.  He must present his personal integrity in the place of the unknown friend's.  He must guarantee the truthfulness and accuracy of the representation of the offered items, the same as if they were his own.  He must provide information about the equipment as explained elsewhere in these Rules.  He must service the thread as if the equipment were his own.  He shall accept the feedback completely as his own, not exporting any responsibility to anyone else.  In short, it's really the OP's integrity on the line, whenever he chooses to sell for a friend.  Photographs of the items offered are required.  See rules 8, 16b, 20, and 29.

16b. No Redirected Sales
Members placing original For Sale posts shall not direct sales activity to any external entity.  Do not export seller responsibility to anyone else, nor to anyone outside of JJMPF.  See rules 16a, 19, and 20.

17. No Camera Brokerage Activity
Activity which appears as if a Member is conducting a camera brokerage service, using the JJMPF as a platform for such (be it procurement or sales), or for any other personal business, is strictly forbidden.  Any Member engaging in such activity will have his/her posts removed and his/her account blocked.  See Rule 15b.

18. No Auctions on JJMPF
The running of auctions on the JJMPF is strictly  forbidden.  Posts and threads exhibiting auction-like activity will be removed.

19. Reference to Outside Auction (OA)
A Member may provide a reference link to an outside auction, such as to eBay.  This shall be indicated in the thread with "OA: [with product description]" in the title, indicating that the product is available through an outside auction site.  If any of the selling prices are omitted within the opening post, such threads will be regarded as "for information only" and will be locked.  Auction activity is forbidden.

20a. Unattended Buy and Sell Threads
For as long as an offer to buy or sell remains in effect, the original poster shall, as a matter of courtesy and in a timely manner, respond to valid product related questions offered by post and by PM. The JJMPF Buy and Sell Forum shall not be used as an unattended billboard to drive external sales. Threads within the Buy and Sell Forum which are unattended are subject to be removed.

20b. Five Bump Limit
As a courtesy to others also placing threads in Buy and Sell, please limit "bumps to the top" to five per offer thread.  If there is insufficient interest, please reconsider the offer.  Threads with six OP bumps (or six consecutive posts from OP), or with replaced bumps, are subject to be locked or removed.  Within Buy & Sell, other Members shall not post "free bumps" for the OP's thread.

20c. Two Week Moratorium before Re-Listing.
When a thread in Buy and Sell has gone dormant by reason of maxed out bumps and/or reader disinterest, it may be re-listed as a new and different thread after two full weeks of inactivity.  The seller should re-evaluate the offer in light of the fact that it did not succeed previously.

21a. Report Dead Threads and Suspicious Threads.
If you believe that a thread in Buy and Sell is "dead" by reason of being unattended by the OP, or dead by reason of completion of desired transaction, or is highly suspect for any good reason,  then please report that thread to the Moderators.  There is a Moderator button within each thread. The thread will be examined, and will be locked, marked, or removed as may be necessary.

21b. Check all Communications before Selling.
Sellers, as a courtesy to fellow Members, please check your For Sale thread, PMs, SMS, and email before agreeing to the sale.  Another Member may have already agreed to your terms, and may be waiting for you to reply.  It's impolite to sell around a high integrity buyer who has already agreed to the seller's stated terms.

22a. No Haggling or Price Policing
Price haggling and price policing are not to be allowed within threads. Negotiation between buyer and seller shall be done by other means, such as through Personal Messages, telephone calls, email, etc. Members shall not disrupt dialogue between the seller and those expressing an interest in his/her equipment, such as by interjecting an opinion of what one thinks the product is worth, is not worth, or for what price the product may be bought elsewhere. We must be careful to take this kind of dialogue off line, or just not engage in it.  Violation can result in the offending Member's account being suspended.

22b. Minimize Peripheral Dialogue.
Buy and Sell threads shall not be cluttered with ongoing discussions, commentary, and opinions. The thread's purpose of matching a willing seller with a willing buyer must remain clear and concise.  Off topic or superfluous posts are subject to removal without comment.

23a. Personal Attacks Strictly Forbidden
Posts within any JJMPF threads on any JJMPF board which are perceived by the Moderators to be threats against, or personal attacks upon, any Member of the JJMPF (such as name calling) will not be tolerated.  Such posts will be removed from threads without comment. Activity of this sort can result in the banning of an offending Member.

23b. Profanity Strictly Forbidden
Posts containing what the Moderators perceive to be profanity or the willful use of offensive "shock" words or language are subject to be removed, even if the language is merely quoted.  If language is such that we would not say it to our mother, then we shouldn't say it on the JJMPF.  Activity of this sort  can result in a Member's account being suspended.

24. Non-compliant Offer Posts Removed.
So as to minimize confusion and wasted time of the JJMPF Membership, Buy and Sell offer threads not adhering to the intent of these Rules and Guidelines are subject to removal without comment.

25. Moderators' Decisions Final
In the event that intervention is required by the Moderators, their decision shall be binding and final.

Disclosure for Buy and Sell Forum:

26. Please Be Careful.
Buy and sell at your own risk.  Buyers and Sellers must accept full responsibility to discern, vet, and otherwise qualify the worthiness of offers and persons participating in the Buy & Sell Forum!

27a. Buy from Established JJMPF Members.
It is wise to only buy items from well-established JJMPF Members of proven good reputation.  Short tenure and a large sale constitute a particularly risky proposition.  We should take the greatest possible precaution to verify buyer and seller references and integrity before engaging in any transaction!

27b. Use Buy & Sell Feedback Tools.
Within the Buy and Sell Board there are two "stickies," GRINS and FROWNS. Within these threads, Members report their experiences with buyers and sellers. Please become familiar with them.

28. JJMPF Not Liable
The JJMPF is not affiliated with any seller offering any equipment for sale in the Buy and Sell Forum. The JJMPF does not accept liability for any misrepresentations, fraud, or spam posted here. Again, please be very careful.

29a. Fraud Means Expulsion.
Willful misrepresentation of a product constitutes fraud.  Posts that are suspected to be of a fraudulent nature will be removed.  Any Member who conducts a fraudulent sale/purchase will be banned from JJMPF.  Any Member who sells or attempts to sell goods found to be stolen or pirated may be subjected to censure.  Other, possibly legal consequences could follow, as JJMPF will in no case be seen as supportive of, or collaborating with, any illegal or fraudulent activity whatsoever.  Also, "Selling for a Friend" does not insulate the WTS posting Member from responsibility. See rules 16a, 16b, 29b, and 29c.

29b. Verify Serial Numbers.
Members are encouraged to verify that equipment they are contemplating selling or buying is not contained within any credible "stolen goods" list. If requested by the buyer, the seller must confide serial number information after an agreement to purchase has been struck. If seller refuses this request, or if the equipment is found to be listed in a stolen equipment listing, then the deal is deemed to have never existed.  No contract can exist for illegal activity.

29c. Concluded Agreements Binding
Once buyer and seller agree to a price and terms of delivery, a contract between them exists. If either party is deemed by the Moderators to have violated that agreement without the consent of the other, then the offending Member is subject to have his JJMPF account suspended.  Exception: If the goods are found to be pirated or stolen, then a contract did not exist. See Rules 29a and 29b.

30. [reserved]

31. Constructive Comments Encouraged
Comments?  Please alert any Moderator via PM.

Respectfully submitted for the JJMPF Membership,
A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.