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Signature spider

Started by hvyas, November 04, 2022, 11:21:18 AM

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Thad E Ginathom


Thanks, Girish and Thad E G for liking the image.


Just gorgeous, Hansraj.

I love the color background.  I wonder why nature has it that the web has that white zig zag pattern radiating from the spider.  Could it be that it is more than just beautiful, but functional in some way?
A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.


Thanks, Henry.
' Our Breathing Planet ' states-
Signature Spider Facts- The commonly used term Signature Spider serves as the common name for any arachnid in the genus Angiope. Currently, scientists recognize 75 members of this impressive genus. That may change, however, as new species become recognized. That attention-grabbing common name comes from the four unique zigzag patterns individuals create in the center of the web. Scientists applied the term stabilimentum to these patterns. Many researchers believe these designs serve several purposes. These supposed purposes include attracting insects and warning larger creatures of the presence of the web. That would make sense, from a practical standpoint, since the majority of the web typically remains practically invisible to the eye. The colorful arachnid also evolved very specific, and highly effective, behavioral patterns. The legs usually get held together in pairs while the spider sits stationary in the web. Therefore, most prey does not recognize the creature as a spider.


What a beautiful background! Flower behind?

Excellent sharpness.


Thanks, Mukund. Yes, bg is flowerbed.