Weekend birding : Part II

Started by manindra_m, October 15, 2023, 03:03:28 PM

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Nishit Dave

Nice set Manindra! Hope you're getting the hang of settings on the a6400. I tried different AF settings on my a6400 yesterday just to see which mode gives best results with birds in flight, and my takeaway was that Flexible AF Point Large or Medium (depending on the situation) gives the best results while AF with tracking (Zone or Centre) is the worst.

Of course, a lot depends on the background, flight behaviour of the bird, and the shutter speed. The a6400 is very prone to jump to the background, and as it does not feature AF stickiness (sensitivity) settings for stills, it can get a little bit frustrating at times.

One more odd behaviour of cameras with hybrid AF is the tendency to hunt if something is immediately not in focus. The remedy is to turn off pre-AF and set the focus limiter switch on the lens to distant (10m to infinity with the 200-600mm) if you're not going to photograph something within 10m distance. Pre-focusing  the lens to the expected distance of the bird can also help.

Krish Chandran

Nice Images Mannindra. You're getting there.
Good tips, Nishit. Very helpful.
"The more you learn, the more there is still left to learn"
Andy Mumford




Nice images, Manindra.  I love the duck with the fish in its mouth.  That one is somehow special to me.
A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.


Thanks Nishit , Krish , Hankosaurus and Girish. Appreciate yor feedback and comments