Inputs on Keoladeo National Park

Started by giridhar, October 10, 2023, 01:46:34 PM

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Hello Photographers,
Was planning for a Keoladeo National Park/Bharatpur photography trip this season (between Dec 2023-Feb 2024). There are a lot of packages available from various photographers. Wanted to know if anyone here has done this individually without the tour packages. If so, please provide details like accommodation, safari booking (rickshaw booking, if applicable) and other things which might help.
Appreciate your time.
Also, please let me know if anyone is already planning for one and I can tag along.

Thank you,


Have been there a few times and sharing a few points basis my experience

- Plan your own travel and accommodation unless you want to part of the larger group for specific reasons

- There are ample accomodation available at reasonable cost. Falcon guest house is where I prefer to stay. Modest accommodation and owner is friendly. Most of these guys have all the information and will help you with whatever you need.

- You can take a cycle , walk by foot or hire a hand pulled rikshaw in the park. If your sole purpose is photography, I would suggest you to hire a rickshaw who can also act as a guide and take you to some of lesser known places within park . Last time I visited in was in 2021 Dec and I paid 2200 INR for entire day .

- You can keep half a day to walk on foot. Be advised that the distance from main gate of the park to the core area is 3km walk . I would advise against taking a cycle . While it's cheaper , it's utterly cumbersome to carry camera gear , ride and also keep a watch for birding activity.

- Park is open from sunrise to sunset. Carry your lunch and breakfast or ask the hotel to carry it for you to park which they will do. That will ensure you maximize your time at park. Sunrise and sunset are best time for sighting deer , fox .

- There are multiple wild trails in the park with each one having its own attraction. Some have pelicans , other have cranes , some have darters.

- Plan atleast for 2N 3D . You can plan to reach by lunch on Day 1 and leave after Day 3 sunset. That ensures enough time to explore .

- December and January specially during early morning and sunset can be fiercely cold specially if you stay in south or western part of the country. I was having difficulty to hold the camera and pressing shutter button with bare hands. Wear protective gear to cover face , ear and hands.

- Mostly people are nice and welcoming. If you are a non veg lover , ask for special chicken or mutton curry. They are delicious and fresh. However negotiate and finalize the rates with the rickshaw to avoid last minute hearburn.

- Cycle are available both at park on rent . Some hotels and guest houses also provide.

- Try and avoid weekends . It becomes way too chaotic with tourist and school children crowding the place.

- Book well in advance as Dec and January are peak season and accomodation are booked by large groups .

- Carry water and some snacks / bars to munch on. You will need to walk a lot on foot in case you want to explore


Thanks a lot for the inputs Manindra. Going by your suggestion, I should plan and book accommodation/flights now.