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Started by hvyas, March 25, 2024, 10:42:04 AM

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Lovely, Hansraj.  I can almost hear the water.  I saw an image of this sort in one of my Kodak photo books long ago and which used three gel filters falling through a slotted filter holder during the exposure.  One magenta, one cyan, one yellow.  Made some interesting rainbow-ish effects in the water while leaving the rest of the image unaffected. I suppose this could be done with three images, each filtered accordingly, and the lot summed together.
A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.


Thanks, Henry. Kodak's 7th Here's How series describes the process which you have mentioned.It was triple exposure method with Harris Shutter.


great pic as always


Thank you, Ashutosh.