We call this pair, Tarang!

Started by sidsoni, July 02, 2024, 09:18:30 PM

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Nikon D610 + 35mm F1.8 combo


Few observations: I hope you receive them in the manner it is being given

1. When you are using a shallow DOF ie an aperture of F1.8 or thereabouts, make sure both the objects are in the same plane. Here the right object is slightly closer and the one on the left slightly behind leading to unequal focus or sharpness. Just angling the cup/bowl towards the camera would have corrected that.

2. Pay attention to the background: the bottom left corner of the frame has a large distracting dark coloured object that is competing with the subject for the viewer's eye. You need to direct the viewer's eye to the subject, where it must stay. The viewer must not keep glancing at the dark patch thinking "what is that?"

3. Be careful with overhead lighting. Here your light is almost directly above. The camera is significantly below picking up shadow areas. A light from the direction of the camera would have helped. Another thing, this appears to be silver. Silver tarnishes. On photographs the tarnished areas look underexposed and dark, even in good lighting.  Always polish silver before photographing.

I recommend you give it another try - same setting as before, keeping these factors in mind.


I hear you Deepak.

Selling earrings in Silver is my business. That addresses one point.

The earrings not being on the same plane, is deliberate. I shot this at F4.

I will keep the background more pleasant going forward. I get that.

Thad E Ginathom

Silver tarnish also adds colour to a piece. As it is his business, I think that sidsoni might agree that it is really wrong to polish much silver jewellery to a "perfect" shine. Especially if it is something that is old, or is designed with an antique look in mind.

I was once a hobby jeweller and can say that silver actually looks at its least interesting with that brand-new straight from the polishing wheel hi-shine.

Nice ear rings. I have mixed feelings about shallow depth of field in "product" pics. So... Personal taste :)