Stubble burning : Ecological impact

Started by manindra_m, December 02, 2024, 12:59:39 PM

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While stubble burning is not a prevalent practise out here in Maharastra , came across this in my ususal birding hotspot. A part of the land is used by farmers and locals to grow seasonal crop. And with the harvesting done and field to be readied for next crop before the monsoons come in , the fastest and cheapest way was to light on fire the dried vegetation.

Not something which I would have liked as I could sense a far lesser bird activity in that area due to this. Captured a photo to depict the plight of a perched drongo watching as the raging fire engulfs the dried fields.

DSC04472-Enhanced-NR-DeNoiseAI-clear by manindra mukherjee, on Flickr