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Feedback - FROWNS

Started by Hankosaurus, December 17, 2010, 08:42:03 AM

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The following member has been banned from the forum for creating upto 10 ids that we're aware of and for using them to post the same item for sale at differing prices.

Name of member: Arun Raju
Location: Tambaram, Chennai

Known Aliases:
1. ar74339
2. Zipzaap
3. imapentaxman
4. Photobaba420
5. Arun Raju
6. Jamesbond
7. cheeseface700
8. rarun365
9. zipzaap
10. chok

Known Contact Details (there are additional details)
1. 9176320999
2. 8015288212

He mainly deals with pentax stuff, but sells/buys other equipment too.

Any member dealing with him is doing so at their risk.

If anyone has more knowledge or suspects duplicate ids - please let any of the mods know via PM.
Vikram Franklin
98864 (PM me for the rest - I get strange calls)

Check out my FaceBook Photopage @


Fellow JJMPF Members,

It is the judgement of your Moderators that Member xlncsurat (location given as Surat) has willfully misrepresented a product sold through the JJMPF Buy & Sell Board.  Appeals to him for information to set this issue right with the buyer have gone unanswered.

Accordingly, and in order to maintain compliance with Buy & Sell Rule 29a, the account xlncsurat has been banned.
A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.


Quote from: Digital_Reality on September 17, 2013, 08:58:33 PM
Quote from: VikramF on September 16, 2013, 02:08:11 PM

The following member has been banned from the forum for creating upto 10 ids that we're aware of and for using them to post the same item for sale at differing prices.

Name of member: Arun Raju
Location: Chennai

Known Aliases:
1. ar74339
2. Zipzaap
3. imapentaxman
4. Photobaba420
5. Arun Raju
6. Jamesbond
7. cheeseface700
8. rarun365
9. zipzaap
10. chok

Known Contact Details (there are additional details)
1. 9176320999
2. 8015288212

He mainly deals with pentax stuff, but sells/buys other equipment too.

Any member dealing with him is doing so at their risk.

If anyone has more knowledge or suspects duplicate ids - please let any of the mods know via PM.

I was just wondering if he created 10 different email ids to create all these jjmf ids or only one email id?

If only one - then how come its allowed to create multiple JJMF ids with same email id? If multiple, then please mention other 9 email ids for other guys awareness.

He has mentioned here that the user creates new email IDs for every new JJMPF account that he creates:,30498.msg296847.html#msg296847

Some people really do have a lot of time on their hands.


Quote from: VikramF on September 16, 2013, 02:08:11 PM

The following member has been banned from the forum for creating upto 10 ids that we're aware of and for using them to post the same item for sale at differing prices.

Name of member: Arun Raju
Location: Tambaram, Chennai

Known Aliases:
1. ar74339
2. Zipzaap
3. imapentaxman
4. Photobaba420
5. Arun Raju
6. Jamesbond
7. cheeseface700
8. rarun365
9. zipzaap
10. chok

Known Contact Details (there are additional details)
1. 9176320999
2. 8015288212

He mainly deals with pentax stuff, but sells/buys other equipment too.

Any member dealing with him is doing so at their risk.

If anyone has more knowledge or suspects duplicate ids - please let any of the mods know via PM.

Thanks Vikram for the warning....
one more thing i would like to ask for if it's possible.
A readily available list for both grinned and frowned ppl which we can refer before doing any transaction. Otherwise even search option is also bit tough to get the correct details.Just a thought though :)  ....

thanks again.


Quote from: saiki00 on September 18, 2013, 11:33:13 AM
Quote from: VikramF on September 16, 2013, 02:08:11 PM

The following member has been banned from the forum for creating upto 10 ids that we're aware of and for using them to post the same item for sale at differing prices.

Name of member: Arun Raju
Location: Tambaram, Chennai

Known Aliases:
1. ar74339
2. Zipzaap
3. imapentaxman
4. Photobaba420
5. Arun Raju
6. Jamesbond
7. cheeseface700
8. rarun365
9. zipzaap
10. chok

Known Contact Details (there are additional details)
1. 9176320999
2. 8015288212

He mainly deals with pentax stuff, but sells/buys other equipment too.

Any member dealing with him is doing so at their risk.

If anyone has more knowledge or suspects duplicate ids - please let any of the mods know via PM.

Thanks Vikram for the warning....
one more thing i would like to ask for if it's possible.
A readily available list for both grinned and frowned ppl which we can refer before doing any transaction. Otherwise even search option is also bit tough to get the correct details.Just a thought though :)  ....

thanks again.

Right ! I was of the same opinion.... Not really for Grins section but if a list or a sticky thread is made for ppl whose ID hav been deactivated, blocked, they are identified for fraudnt transaction ! names can be appended to the list.
That would solve two purpose.
1. People can refer this list and can be alerted before making any transaction.
2. All future sellers can take it an example that cheating here is an offence and their name can be appended to the list if code of conduct is violated :)
Would bring at least some code of conduct in transactions between buyers and sellers
My Page


Quote from: Piyusht on September 18, 2013, 12:02:43 PM
Right ! I was of the same opinion.... Not really for Grins section but if a list or a sticky thread is made for ppl whose ID hav been deactivated, blocked, they are identified for fraudnt transaction ! names can be appended to the list.
That would solve two purpose.
1. People can refer this list and can be alerted before making any transaction.
2. All future sellers can take it an example that cheating here is an offence and their name can be appended to the list if code of conduct is violated :)
Would bring at least some code of conduct in transactions between buyers and sellers

Wouldn't it be redundant if you made a list of IDs which have already been blocked for cheating? It's not like the same ID can be reactivated again by the user himself. He has to send a mail to the moderators to reactivate it.


Quote from: maraque on September 18, 2013, 01:18:45 PM
Wouldn't it be redundant if you made a list of IDs which have already been blocked for cheating? It's not like the same ID can be reactivated again by the user himself. He has to send a mail to the moderators to reactivate it.

I am sorry if the words were not that elaborative :)

What I meant was, even if the IDs are multiple, the person would be same and so would be his personal info! This can be made available.
Just for example Mr X creates ID say ABC and shows misbehavior in one of his sale.
Now even if the ID has been deactivated by mods, the details shared by that person would not change, right ? like his bank account used to transfer the money, name, mobile number, Email ID. If this information is made available, you would get root of all misconducts.
Now no matter how many more IDs the person generates, personal information would mostly be same. I don't think people would change their bank accounts for each fraudulent transaction.

It was just a thought, can be modified, developed further with the help of all forum members and Moderators ( offcourse :D )

Mods would be the best people to think of that and pass on the opinion. The only ultimate thing any and every forum member would want would be 'Close to zero fraudulent transactions'
My Page


Fellow Members,

In the coming days you will notice that a number of posts in this thread have been removed. FROWNS is our "go-to" place to learn about deals gone bad and who did whatever.

In order to keep this thread as useful and concise as possible for the JJMPF Membership, comments which do not add pertinent information and facts about deals gone bad are subject to be removed.

Thank you for understanding. It's absolutely nothing personal, so please don't take it that way if one or more of your comments disappear while your Moderators set about to boil thinning soup down to a richer sauce.

Happy Day.
A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.


I'm generally one to ensure smooth deals and given my passion for gear, always work with buyers/sellers in ensuring the smoothest and flexible deals and upfront disclosure of all facts applicable to the sale.

I think my dealings with most forum members will testify the same too.

Imagine then, by surprise when a member repeatedly abuses the trust that we establish via our interactions.

This is to bring to call a forum member by the name Nightingales - Robert. Who posts for himself and on behalf of his brother, Roger.

They get in touch with me looking to buy the X-E1 body only from my post recently. A fair price agreed upon to Roger's liking after much internet searches etc., and the next day when he's supposed to pick it up, Roger decides to take a U-turn and retract his offer. Saying he's got a better deal elsewhere (which turns out isn't true, as you'll see how this deal ended) -

Anyway, so i, willing to be flexible and affecting a quick sale, agree to reduce the price yet again from the previously agreed price with Roger agreeing as it being reasonable and supposed to pick it up today. Imagine my surprise when he makes yet another U-Turn, the second time no less. And retracts his offer yet again, while i wait to close the deal and get on with my normal course of work. Since we're all hobbyists mostly and not dealers per se.

He gives me some excuses about getting a deal from Jayesh or something. Which is still more in price from our agreed second offer. All this after he mentions budget issues. Anyway, this has really left a bad taste in my dealings and the trust i place in people dealing from the forum as so far they've been 100% honest with me.

I felt it is better to call out such defaulters for who they are so people can deal with this sort with caution. I don't care about losing the sale so much, as im sure i'll manage the sale in anycase given my offering. I do however, abhor such errant and fickle-minded behaviour on public forum dealings.

JJMF Members be warned.


@pbafna --  Each and every time, I had put up an item for sale, there was always someone who booked it and assured me that they would pick it up the next day. Next day comes and goes but no sign of the buyer. Yes, it is very frustrating. I had a JJMPF member who did the same when I was visiting Kolkata, and gave me a low offer on the day I was about to return saying that he would buy it at the airport itself provided I agree to his offer. But since no money changed hands, I don't think I would need to mention his name here.

As sellers, we will have our share of such people. It requires a lot of patience to ensure that we are able to sell the item at a price of our liking.