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Feedback - FROWNS

Started by Hankosaurus, December 17, 2010, 08:42:03 AM

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Hello Forum.

In response to Membership requests we have initiated two sticky threads for Member Feedback within the Buy and Sell Forum.

This one, FROWNS, is for feedback for transactions which did not go so well.

Members who choose to participate in this thread are required to write only a brief, civil, matter of fact report about their transaction, identifying the Member with whom they were involved, but in no wise using profanity, disparaging names, or otherwise attacking the other participant's person. One must simply state transaction facts, observations of how things went, and an opinion of how they should have gone. That's it. Facts.

Readers of this thread will be left to draw their own conclusions from stated facts, without emotionally charged sentiments fogging a clear understanding of the situation.

This process will be monitored by the Moderators to assure that it adds value for the Membership. Posts of an uncivil quality will be removed without comment.

Update, September 18, 2013: In order to keep this thread as useful and concise as possible, comments which do not add pertinent facts are subject to be removed.

A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.


Just a small appeal.

Now the Christmas and new year are near, there will be a tremendous pressure on the postal department including the courier service companies.  So many of us who buy the things may not receive it in time.  While the seller would have dispatched  it promptly, due to clogging of the posts, there may  be inordinate delay in delivery of the material you've purchased.  While the sellers informs you that he has already dispatched the material you may not receive in time and it may some time lead to frustration, doubts and friction.  So it would be a natural reaction to rush here and put a feedback on the seller.  Any negative feedback on the seller will have an impact on him which can not be repaired later on. 
So my humble request is to understand that there may be delays in the postal and courier services and in-spite of the best efforts of the seller you may not receive the dispatched article in time.  So IMHO it would be better to exercise a little restraint until the middle of January regarding non delivery of purchased article in time.

Though this is not an essential feed back, I felt I should share this with you.

God, give me the knowledge to understand light, ability to control it, ....and lots of 'L' glass to capture it.


Hello Ashok.

Thanks for the input. Character assassination is not a desired result here. Of course, anyone placing critical comments here should weigh them very, very carefully beforehand. And if one later sees that he is wrong and has spoken wrongly, he should straightway remove his post for the same and set the record straight. Otherwise, his own integrity is in question.

We are on new ground here. We will have to work together to make sure this process works for the benefit of the Membership, without causing undue harm to anyone. In that let us appeal for a collaborative, carefully calculated approach with only clearheaded, totally fair thinking.

A Certified Dinosaur
D700, F, F2, M3

Some say those of us who love to talk about cameras should instead go and take pictures. I say we should go and also take pictures.



I guess, i'll be the first one here too!!  :-[

only ONE member feedback to report here.

Dr. Abheek Ghosh from Nagpur ( user name of jjmpf - Abheekg;u=504

Dateline : around 7th Aug 2009 to 13th Oct 2009

History :

Dr. Abheek Ghosh had posted about a 77mm CPL for sale - as good as new, excellent condition et all.

I was interested as had recently gotten a 10-20 mm lens and was searching for a CPL.

Sent him a mail and also spoke to him a couple of times, sent out the funds. Deal was fixed for Rs.1500. Transferred the funds to him on 10th August. Didnt receive any confirmatory message from his side so sent him a mail with my address.

Got the CPL around 18th Aug, to my horror, the film on the edges was worn out and there was a fungus like growth on it.

I sent a mail to him on 19th August attaching closeup pics of the CPL with the defects. We discussed and i told him that i was sending the CPL back. The CPL was sent back the same day. The receipt of which he never acknowledged.

Then the followup for getting my refund started. I even raised this gently on the forum - in his post for sale of the CPL, stating awaiting your response. He immediately asked for my account details by pm on around 10th of Sept 2009 and i reverted on the same.

But from 18th August to 10th of Sept it was folowup for a response and then on till 13th Oct 2009, i got no reply from his side. I repeatedly called and my calls went unanswered. Even my mails did not elicit any response.

After more than 2 months, I gave up  >:(.

I have a mail sequence of events for the above. If any member wants to read it, shall gladly post it.

I have had exemplary purchase deals of seemingly meaningless value of Rs.200 also, so this was quite a experience.

Request to mods to please modify / delete whatever content / post found inappropriate.

Moderator Note:
Seller's account has been blocked.



  I am Arun (forum handle: thelightening). I have to share an experience about a person called Karthik (Infantblue) from Chennai.

  Based on this advertisment  , I have called this person up and talked to him about the product he is interested to sell. Based on several calls and PM's we agreed for a price of 3000Rs. He clearly mentioned to me that, he is not interested to courier or ship this to Bangalore from his place, Chennai.

Based on this, I tried all the way and at last found a friends collegue, who used to go to Chennai frequently and requested him with the help of my friend to meet infantblue and complete the deal. It was soo hard to make him agree to get these things done, as its a business deal. Based on the arrangement, I have sent infant blue a detailed mail with all the contact details of mine, my friend and his collegue, then about the lens and everything. That single mail was enough to understand the professionalism of a business deal.

I have handed over the money to my friend collegue even to buy this. I called infantblue a lot of time and he didnt pick, but replied with some 1-2 sms about the confirmations. He told he will meet the guy coming from Bangalore and handover the stuffs.

This is on wed (20th april) , today morning (21Apr), I have got an sms from Karthik (infantblue) as follows;

"Hey, One of my friend is desperate to buy my lens for 3500. Anyway as it is only four thousand there in bang, I believe its not an issue with you, I am extremely sorry"

I am taking this as a kind of cheating and the efforts, calls, PM's what we made and agreed is of no value. Rs 500 is great??? If then he might have not committed for 3000Rs at all.

I have did a lot of transactions with other jjmf members , even after receiving the money in the evening in my account, went out , bought packing materials, packed and shipped before courier guy close his store.... I feel thats commitment. Not this one, at least for 500Rs.

Thats the reason why I am sharing my experience over here and it will help my jjmf forum members. Thanks for your patience to read my whole experience. Hope it helps.

Moderator Note:
It is the judgment of the Moderators that a meeting of the minds between buyer and seller took place. Therefore, a contract was in force, and the same contract was violated by the seller. The seller's account has been blocked, and his thread has been removed.



I wish to share something about a member "Roger H. Ephraim".;u=6714

On 31st May, 2011, he posted an advertisement here offering 2 hard drives and a casing. Later on, moderators removed the listing because these items are not allowed in JJMPF. But before that I has started communication with Roger.

After exchanging few mails, he offered me a price for all 3 things, I accepted without any negotiation.

Neft timings were over for the day, so I could not transfer the money on 31st and I told him that he can pack the things and I will transfer the funds on 1st June.

I transfer the funds on 1st June (11:05 AM) and sent him an email with details and screenshots of transfer made which he did not reply.

After waiting till evening I sent him an SMS at 06:47 PM and he replied back that he has packed and scheduled the parcel for pickup.

After that I have sent various SMSs/emails asking for courier details/tracking number, but he did not reply.

SMS   02-Jun-2011 01:48 PM   No reply
SMS   02-Jun-2011 08:36 PM   No reply
SMS   03-Jun-2011 04:11 PM   No reply
Email   04-Jun-2011 04:47 PM   Replied mentioning health problem but assured that he has arranged for courier pickup.
Email   07-Jun-2011 07:56 PM   No reply Replied mentioning health problem but already copy+paste error
SMS   08-Jun-2011 11:30 AM   No reply

Finally, yesterday, 8th June 08:09 PM, I sent him an email with my bank details and I asked him to refund my money because I have already bought the hard disk after so much waiting.

But he still didn't answer and didn't refund.

It is ok if someone is in a problem but one can reply at least. I have been seeing his profile and he almost daily logs in JJMPF but does not reply my email/SMS.

His phone is also switched off now which was working at the time of making the payment.

Any suggestions guys?


Moderator Notes:

1. This issue was resolved to the buyer's satisfaction as of June 22. It appears that, in part, extenuating health issues complicated and delayed the process. A timely resolution, such as a reasonable buyer might normally expect, did not materialize. Further elaboration of, or discussion about, the delayed conclusion is now deemed unnecessary.  In order to keep this thread concise and useful to the Membership, follow-on commentary and discussions about this now-resolved issue have been removed.

2. The products offered were in violation of the Rules for Buy & Sell. The seller was unaware of this. The casual reader is not to interpret this situation as acceptable precedence for the sale or purchase of computer parts and accessories on JJMPF. Such is strictly forbidden. See Rules 2a and 2b for details.


Hi Fellow Members,

I would like to share one more bitter experience I got from a newbie, Amit2008.

I contacted the person, so called Amit Ghosh for buying his Canon 55-250 IS lens @ an agreed price. Since he was not picking calls, a lot of sms communications happend in a day. Around 40 to and fro sms communications. He agreed to selld me the lens and posted in the thread and confirm the booking and will send you the pics before tonight .. happy deal......

I have arranged the money from different ways, since its month end and waited for the pics till night 12am, keeping money ready in my account to transfer.

In short of the communications are as follows.


Amit, Thanks for all your sms... and confusions. Thanks for not picking any of my calls even. After several sms communications happened yesterday, you were suppose to send me pics by night. I have asked u the pics a lot of times in the night.. u didnt reply.. today morning, again after a lot of sms from my end.. I got a reply from you saying that...

" 8.24AM   rethinking my decision to sell the lens"

Again I replied in an sms, about how i arranged money and can u tell me in final whether you are interested in a deal or not

For that I got your reply as

" 9.54AM I am interested "

Again I asked you to send me the pics asap, since you cannot use the Canon 55-250 IS on Nikon, since you mentioned that you are moving to Nikon from Canon. I tried calling u a lot here and you cut my call.

Then you sent me an sms like this

" 10.23AM see i m rethinking. actually this is a solid lens perform much better in low light than sigma 120-400 of mine. so i just hold it for sometime before my camera 450D get sold. please"

I replied saying I am confused. Are u selling the lens to me or not? if then money ready with me now to transfer. And requested to take my call to talk and clear communications. you cut my call here too..

Then you replied

" 10.29AM  I am not selling you. thanks"

The last message of yours seems to be interesting...  Thats means you are selling to someone, not to me right?

Since you are moving from Canon to Nikon, whats the headache you have about the solidarity of your Canon 55-250 IS lens...

This seller backed out... after around 40 sms communications and confirmation.


This is his last post in the respective thread.... :)

Quote from: amit2008 on July 01, 2011, 10:52:54 AM
The product is of mine. I can take any decision of my own item any time - even on the verge of delivery.

But i must say - you are excellent - what a detailed SMS report you prepared....Everybody should clap please......

Excuse me - i think - i come to wrong place and to some wrong people....



Nice experience I have got, lucky even after the seller asked me to transfer money to his account so that he can send me the lens before weekend.. i insisted for pics.. God is there...

Moderator Note:
It is unfortunate that this problem could not have been cleared up to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller. At the seller's request, his JJMPF account has been removed. Related threads have also been removed.


The account "suvo" has been banned. This was for willful and serious misrepresentation of a product sold on JJMPF, and for refusal to set right  the wrongdoing. This action was taken in accordance with the requirements prescribed in Buy & Sell Rule 29a.



Quote from: Image on July 16, 2011, 09:11:19 AM
The account "suvo" has been banned. This was for willful and serious misrepresentation of a product sold on JJMPF, and for refusal to set right  the wrongdoing. This action was taken in accordance with the requirements prescribed in Buy & Sell Rule 29a.


To all Fellow JJMF members  - 

Let me share my experience with the above user Suvo [ Suvo Datta from Kolkata ]  on purchasing the Nikon F Photomic FTn which he claimed in his post as fully functional - 10/10   [ ]  .

Knowing that these old horses are difficult to repair , I had several telephonic discussions primarily around the metering capability of the camera . At no point he indicated any deficiency of the metering system and even confirmed the metering accuracy is comparable to the nikon F he posseses  - reason for sale being  his inablity to work with complete manual focus system .

We agreed to a sale price of 11K including shipping charges and I received the parcel soon . I was surprised to notice that the in-viewfinder metering capability is missing .The same day I called him again and he said he never knew of such feature in FTn finder and such capability only exists from Nikon F2 onwards [ as per the post , camera was purchased in 1979 and regularly used till 2008 !!! ]

Later I took the camera to Mr.Thomas and found the finder to be non-repairable .The missing VF-meter is due to replacement of original nikon prism inside the finder in some earlier repair of the finder. When confronted the seller,  he acknowledged the same had been told  to him by another well reputed repair house Latif Precision Service @ kolkata and he was advised not to touch the prism suspecting further damage  . He also said he had taken it to Latif before posting it for sell and stll believed it was 100% operational !

I requested for a refund for the misrepresented camera which in my opinion , is definitely not 100% functional as claimed  and offered to bear the cost of shipment . He even refused to accept the fact the camera was not 10/10 functional stating it had served his purpose 100% from the time  it was purchased  and also reminded me about the no-refund condition in his post .

I hereby request to all members to pay attention to such carefully crafted , hyped up SELL posts which conceals major features , misleads the reader about the basic functionalities expected and uses this forum to one's own advantage .


When one entry pops up in the FROWNS thread, we should think that the value in human ethics is being coming down. Especially in our forum

As a member, my understanding here is, the buy and sell thread is to help the members than to create issue for the members.

We JJMF forum members are seeing this forum as a market now than an informative forum to discuss about "PHOTOGRAPHY". A lot of new people are joining per day, just to sell something and go off, which is terribly bad when compared to the aim of this forum.

So as a fellow member, my humble request are the following;

1.   Before you decide to sell any of your stuffs and before posting your [WTS] thread, think twice or thrice and do a proper market analysis.
2.   Please decide a good price tag, which will help u as well as the buyer in all means. Please stick to your words on your price tag, than hanging around bids.
3.   Please don't hesitate to post the details of your stuff in detail and if you know any issues are there the same, please be courageous to come forward and to mention the same in your thread.
4.   Please read the rules and regulations by the moderators first, before posting any of your [WTS] or [WTB] requirement. The rules and regulations are for our own safety and security.
5.   Please think in such a way that, this is not a market place to sell all your used stuffs or to buy in cheap. This buy and sell option is available here for us. If its removed, I am sure a lot of members will vanish from this forum immediately.
6.   We are a family from different part of the globe and we are here to discuss about our passion "Photography" and to share our thoughts.
7.   For Newbie's, I am sure, this is a nice forum to find the right answers you are looking for. Even there are seniors and professional photographers in our forum to advice you, why can't we use the same?
8.   Be humble and sincere to you first, then on all the activities we do here in our forum.
9.   Please use the facilities here as per the requirement and please don't think that the "buy and sell" thread is not the place to dispose all your junk items, which can't be used at all. 
10.    The last request as a fellow member is, be proud and stick to your words and enjoy the forum.

I am sorry here, if any of my statements hurt anyone. I met same kind of incidence twice during my Lens Hunting and I left my idea. So I understand the pain.