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Caught in the Web

Started by hvyas, March 07, 2022, 09:08:54 AM

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Great shot, with a decent amount of detail in the spider too.

Couple of questions though, I took a similar shot a while ago, but there was too much CA and had no detail in the spider. I was shooting 85mm at 1.8 through 3.5, with almost similar output. My situation was that the background leaves were about a meter or so behind the web, so by narrow apertures, the composition was getting too busy.

My questions:
- What were the settings and which lens?
- By the bokeh pattern, appears to be slightly a narrow aperture. Any particular reason instead of shooting wide open?
- How far was the background/

In all, greatly composed and isolated. keep 'em coming.


Thanks, Girish and Ficture47.
Ficture47- This was shot on Pentax K5II with Pentax FA1.7 lens.Aperture-8 Shutter1/100 ISO200 built in flash auto WB.
The leafy background was about 2 meters away with very little sunlight filtering through trees. The original unprocessed image is posted below. I always shoot in Raw and do a good deal of processing in photoshop.The spider was hardly 1cm in size.

IMGP3606-unprocessed by hansraj_vyas, on Flickr

Thad E Ginathom

Very nice pic, and interesting to see what you achieved in the processing.


Thank you, Thad for your nice words.





Quote from: hvyas on March 07, 2022, 02:25:40 PM
Thanks, Girish and Ficture47.
Ficture47- This was shot on Pentax K5II with Pentax FA1.7 lens.Aperture-8 Shutter1/100 ISO200 built in flash auto WB.
The leafy background was about 2 meters away with very little sunlight filtering through trees. The original unprocessed image is posted below. I always shoot in Raw and do a good deal of processing in photoshop.The spider was hardly 1cm in size.

Awesome, thanks for sharing the info. That helps.
