Some landscapes - added a few more, some more

Started by chinmay, May 02, 2022, 06:13:49 PM

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Tarun Kumar Ghosh

I can say only one word "Splendid"


Very nice addition.

Just curious. All photo have pro-photo embedded profile. Web uses sRGB. Although most of the browser honour multiple profiles, problem is difference in gamma.

If embeded profile is srGB and ARGB for Mac Safari, there won't be any difference because both have 2.2 gamma. But pro photo have gamma 1.8. Almost all monitors are calibrated for 2.2.

So I suspect, pro photo profile mid tone will look slightly washout on monitor calibrated for gamma 2.2.

If easily possible, can u pl. repost 4th from top converted to sRGB or Argb from original TIFF?   


Fantastic photographs.. Thanks for sharing :)


Fantastic  photographs .. One of the best I have seen. Liked the bird on the background of waterfall the most.


Really Nice set of images, and Landscapes are so precious


Thanks everyone for liking and showing your appreciation..
