Sony 90 mm 2.8 & Sony 28-70 3.5-5.6 for sale

Started by riteshd, Yesterday at 03:13:35 PM

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Buyers beware:  Buyers should read the forum rules and do their own due diligence before buying."

Items for Sale:
Lens - Sony 90mm f2.8 OSS E Mount
Lens - Sony 28-70mm f3.5-f5.6 OSS E Mount

Asking Price:
Sony 90 mm = Rs.42,000
Sony 28-70 = Rs 12,000

Item Location: Pune
Item's Age & its Description:
Sony 90mm - 8 months
Sony 28-70mm - 3 yrs(purchased as part of kit in feb, 2022)

Are you the original owner* of the item being sold? Yes
Do you have the original Bill? Yes
Objects included for listed item** (caps, lens, Bag, etc.): All items original : caps, hood
Missing or damaged parts of item offered***: None
Is the Item under warranty? 90 mm is under warranty(2+1?)
Are you interested in trading this item? No
Condition (Appearance/Functionality): 90 mm used for one herping trip. 28-70 might have been used twice.
Repairs done and parts replaced: None

Optics condition -  Front/Back/Inside with respect to:
Fungus: No
Dust: No
Haze: No
Scratches: No
Aperture function: Works perfectly

Shipping Destinations: Pune buyers preferred as you can come and check and buy.