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A few habitat shots

Started by manindra_m, January 24, 2025, 10:32:16 PM

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Been always fascinated to capture wildlfife portraying the habitat of the animals / birds as subject. Intially my goal was to be as close to subject as possible and capture close up shots with as much details as possible. While the same has its own perks , I slowly realized that capturing animals or birds in their natural habitat portrays a larger ecosystem and a more complete story that one is trying to portray through his or her photography. During my recent trips I tried capturing some of them to the best of my ability and sharing them for your viewing. C&C welcome.TFS

DSC06774-DeNoiseAI-standard by manindra mukherjee, on Flickr

Jungle Cat

DSC06696-DeNoiseAI-standard by manindra mukherjee, on Flickr

Indian jackal

DSC04960-DeNoiseAI-standard by manindra mukherjee, on Flickr

Desert fox

DSC06061-DeNoiseAI-standard by manindra mukherjee, on Flickr

A male blackbuck

DSC07398-2-DeNoiseAI-standard by manindra mukherjee, on Flickr

A bengal tiger


Very nice captures of wildlife in their habitat,superb set !

Thad E Ginathom

Of course, there is always going to be room for great close-up shots, but it's true that animals+landscape do indeed tell more of a story than animal+bokeh.

Very nice pics. I particularly like the first one, of the cat.