Feedback - FROWNS

Started by Hankosaurus, December 17, 2010, 08:42:03 AM

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Tushar Subhro

I usually discount my prices if you see my other posts.
I eventually sell it lower than what I mark initially.
That is my way of marketing.
Here I didn't eventually sell it.
It would be helpful if someone could suggest me the fair value of the product in it's present condition so that Tom and I can bear any depreciation mutually as I had suggested him initially.
And yes I trusted a 60 year old American who seemed genuine to me.
From henceforth be Indian buy Indian.
I fully understand that I shouldn't go for a sale unless fully convinced.
And yes I should have bought it up immediately after I received it before posting it.
And if you are following the thread I only wanted a response from Tom, for his wishful misinformation but I was being targeted for not being careful. The point is made.
And as far as reselling is concerned, I didn't resell products bought from the forum on it before this.
I do see a lot of stuff selling on the forum that had been purchased on the forum.
So is it that one cannot sell it.
Yes I lost my temper, Bharat was doing his job and it was beyond his control to extract response from an unwilling person and for obvious reasons.



irrespective of who is to blame here... it's important to understand a few simple things about this transaction.

the seller, intentionally not clarifying the chipped LCD is wrong. it was not a mistake. it was not oversight. it was intentional. 

the buyer not asking for clarification is carelessness or even demonstrates someone willing to trust a fellow forum "senior" forum member.

this all comes down to this... how difficult is it to remember and ask the camera's actual owner if the screen protector was removed?

is it really to much to ask? besides, it OBVIOUS from the picture posted by the buyer that there is no screen protector.

who are we kidding? nothing else matters!

(i'm writing this from the perspective of being someone who almost bought this EM1 from this same seller. Ended up buying a new EMii instead)


Thad E Ginathom

Quote from: Tushar Subhro on August 11, 2019, 10:54:37 PMAnd yes I trusted a 60 year old American who seemed genuine to me.
From henceforth be Indian buy Indian.

You didn't follow up on your query. And that's everybody else's fault but yours. And now you throw racism into it all. Don't expect sympathy!

The one suggestion I have for the mods is to close this topic.


Quote from: Thad E G on August 12, 2019, 01:21:53 AM
You didn't follow up on your query. And that's everybody else's fault but yours.

the buyer didn't follow up on his query OK... BUT, the seller ignored answering it, which, (once the buyer realized that the LCD had/has a crack on the LCD itself) now makes it seem like the seller knew all along that the LCD itself had a crack on it.

it doesn't matter if the buyer made a mistake in not following up with the seller. so what? is that dishonesty? NO!

this is a matter of being honest and forthcoming with someone who is giving you their hard earned money and expecting not to be disappointed/misinformed.

P.S: on another note... the words profiting and profiteering don't mean the same thing.

P.P.S: there are a lot of "senior" members on this forum who buy low and sell for higher.
most of them simply respond via PM to WTB ads instead of posting WTS ads.


Bharat Varma

QuoteP.S: on another note... the words profiting and profiteering don't mean the same thing.
Well aware of the distinction. "make or seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally".

QuoteP.P.S: there are a lot of "senior" members on this forum who buy low and sell for higher.
most of them simply respond via PM to WTB ads instead of posting WTS ads.
Bringing such deals to the Mods' notice would be a sensible thing, wouldn't it?
If both of the activities (buying AND selling) occur ON this forum, it's a blatant violation of one of the most basic rules and NOT to be condoned. Preventing this is exactly why WTS posts are required to be left unchanged with the last mentioned price showing there.

Quote from: neo2510 on August 12, 2019, 03:43:10 AM
Quote from: Thad E G on August 12, 2019, 01:21:53 AM
You didn't follow up on your query. And that's everybody else's fault but yours.

the buyer didn't follow up on his query OK... BUT, the seller ignored answering it, which, (once the buyer realized that the LCD had/has a crack on the LCD itself) now makes it seem like the seller knew all along that the LCD itself had a crack on it.

it doesn't matter if the buyer made a mistake in not following up with the seller. so what? is that dishonesty? NO!

this is a matter of being honest and forthcoming with someone who is giving you their hard earned money and expecting not to be disappointed/misinformed.

P.S: on another note... the words profiting and profiteering don't mean the same thing.

P.P.S: there are a lot of "senior" members on this forum who buy low and sell for higher.
most of them simply respond via PM to WTB ads instead of posting WTS ads.

Looking for a Rokinon/Samyang 135 F/2 Lens in excellent condition.

Also looking for a few Canon NB-10L Batteries.


"This is a matter of being honest and forthcoming with someone who is giving you their hard earned money and expecting not to be disappointed/misinformed."
Sorry, the. Person who purchased items for 30k and selling it for 40k ?
The person selling the same equipment with the reason G
A S. Too many equipment.
I hope you do not consider this also as honesty.
Moreover this buyer surely a reseller and not permitted on this forum.
Working with modest equipment


Guys - just chill in this topic for a week ok? Any more comments to be done via PMs to all mods.

@Tushar - you've got the mods to comment. It's on a sale that happened outside the WTS boards and was well outside what we'd comment on. You've now brought it within the forum. The lack of sympathy shown is not what you wanted and so you've started with comments about mods and race. If no one has warned you yet - negative personal comments are not acceptable. I will ask all mods to boot you off the forum if you make one more comment like that.

I have repeatedly said that if one buys things remotely the section and therefore responsibility is completely yours. Walk away if you aren't happy or continue if you are willing to take the chance. You can't lay the blame on the house for when your gamble turned out to not be in your favour. Neo2510, I'd suggest you digest what that means. There's no, 'but' here. @Tushar- You keep saying that you understand it was your responsibility, and then insert a 'but'. That really means you know it should be your responsibility but you don't want to own it. Posting on this board by your own admission was to pressurise PocoLoco on a public forum for a transaction that happened off it.

I don't really care about your style of marketing - you can't post things at a higher price than you bought it within a short time period. If you start any "what-aboutism", let me remind you that we are discussing you. Three other wrongs don't make this right. Obviously we can't police what is done through PMs, but really if the only reason to follow that rule is to avoid getting caught and not think about a gentlemanly honour of not using this forum for profiteering, then you need to rethink the word 'integrity' and what it means to you. There was been remarkably little integrity in this thread. It's not 'something', it's everything.

Vikram Franklin
98864 (PM me for the rest - I get strange calls)

Check out my FaceBook Photopage @


Dear Mods,

Just wanted to clarify/make a few points that may be of common concern here :-

1) We know a lot of selling actually takes place via WTB posts. Its not hard to see why. Such transactions do NOT get recorded on the forums or PMs as they are usually taken up via phone/whatsapp. Also there are many cases where someone responds to a WTB post and is then contacted by a third party who has interest in the gear. I understand from Vikram's post that such transactions would be classified as off-forum. Kindly confirm.

2) There are many sellers who deliberately veer the negotiation out of the forum (by requesting to contact via phone) for understandable reasons (Tushar just gave an example). Personally I am a big votary for doing all clarification/counter-clarification via PMs and sharing phone no. only when the deal is closed. I do NOT expect to record calls and produce that as evidence when required.

3) Think the MODS might want to consider putting some sort of a limit in place to check reselling/excessive selling, say 2 WTS a day or 5 per week, etc. This is kind of standard for most marketplaces

4) Also a thing about the 'last mentioned price' or 'last asking price'. Again we know that more often than not, items are sold below the 'last mentioned price' and no one bothers to update the actual sale price on the post. Thatway 'last mentioned price' may not have much significance. It might be better if we could request the seller/buyer to indicate 'actual sale price' on the post, not only for record but for reference/price discovery purposes as also check against reselling for profit.

YO, YO, YO ! Seven-Zero-Zero to the 0 to the 5 to the 4 - representin' the K-O-L. What up, B-Yatch? Leave the phone.

Bharat Varma

All irrelevant comments removed.

QuoteGuys - just chill in this topic for a week ok? Any more comments to be done via PMs to all mods.

Please cooperate.
Looking for a Rokinon/Samyang 135 F/2 Lens in excellent condition.

Also looking for a few Canon NB-10L Batteries.

camera crew

I purchased Fuji XE1 camera with Fujinon 18-55 kit lens on 3rd august,  after negotiating the price at INR 27,000/- plus shipping (which i have to pay) as Mr. Parampreet Dhatt told me to transfer that later.

Upon receiving the camera i tried clicking some pictures on 9th august. I was trying long exposure photography.
10th august as i started using lightroom to correct those photos, i found that the camera shows about 24 magenta/pink pixels in every photo. At the same spot, bottom left hand corner of the frame.
On 10th august i did some test keeping lens cap closed. The spots of such pixels were again apparant.
 In fast shutter speed, i.e. 1/500, its of less intensity and in long shutter, 15-30sec the magenta or pink gets more prominant.

I have shared the screenshot of my lightroom screen over whats app and Mr. Parampreet said he could not understand.
Then i transferred raw files of the test shots with Mr. Parampreet and he at first told me that he could not understand the files as they were all black (my test shots were with lens cap on) and maybe those spots were noise.
Over whats app, he forwarded some writings about "hot pixels" and how to correct them.

Then i again shared some fuji RAF raw files of actual photos on 12th august. This time i had slow shutter of self portraits with light trail/painting and 1/500th sec shot of a foliage, all clicked at 200 ISO.

To my knowledge of photography, this camera has "dead" pixels. About 24 of them. I have zoomed fully and seen.

The advertisement/post in WTS was mentioned that the camera is in perfect condition with very less shuttercount.

On rigorous exchange of  Fuji RAF files, conversations on phone and whats app and with due time, Mr. Parampreet Dhatt suggested me, today, to take the camera to Kolkata service center, get it serviced, pay in full, send him the invoice copy and then he will pay half of the service charge.

I asked him to pay the full service charge, in advance, bcoz repairing an item that has been listed as "in perfect working condition" is not my responsibility. I have to take care the entire incidental cost, harassment. Mr. Parampreet did not agree to this.

I also asked him to return the equipment as its not matching what he committed in his post.

Upon denial from Mr. Parampreet Dhatt and getting a camera which does not match the WTS post disclosure, i am keeping this frown.