Feedback - FROWNS

Started by Hankosaurus, December 17, 2010, 08:42:03 AM

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Quote from: justaday on January 05, 2021, 09:45:53 AM
This is strangely the same case discussed by gsferrari.

Thats precisely what I meant. Such cases (like gsferrari) have become more a norm than an exception. Which is what makes the situation alarming. On one occasion I had three non-payers within a day or two. Many a times this happens when the buyer wants to armtwist you into selling at lower prices or heck even cry "for God's take it for free but please take it....!" out of exasperation. I guess, for many this is an integral part of what they would like to think of as "negotiation" tactics.

And since there is no "frowning" for non-payers/retractors, I often find meself being forced into curt behaviour with buyers who might not have the intention of not paying. Really unfortunate :(

Quote from: Pratik on January 05, 2021, 10:50:34 AM
People use the word "book" or "hold" very loosely. When I ask someone to book/hold an item for me, it means that I'm ready to pay and just want to make sure it's in the same condition as described, or want to discuss delivery etc. It makes no sense to "book" and then haggle.
Precisely. You cant ask someone to "hold" it for you and then research on the item. Only to find that you dont want to buy it ! Holding/booking means that it is 90% sold barring a mishap. Really tired of this holding/booking business. Probably need to incorporate it in the special section in my sale threads. Not that it'd make any difference. People will still request for holding/booking ! But at least I'll be clear from my side.
YO, YO, YO ! Seven-Zero-Zero to the 0 to the 5 to the 4 - representin' the K-O-L. What up, B-Yatch? Leave the phone.


Had another instance where a member closed the deal and delayed the payment without any communication. I went ahead and sold the item to someone who had reached out to me AFTER the first offer so I had them wait. Once the first buyer didn't seem to want to pay OR update me on what was going on, I went ahead and sold the item to the next-in-line. I am not obligated to update the member who made the first offer but I did so out of courtesy, something that seems to be in short supply these days.

I don't mind the low-balling. I don't mind the delays. I don't mind the indecision.

Just DON'T do this on my time. Don't make me wait, keep me guessing after closing the deal. It is inconsiderate, unprofessional and highly annoying.

I am not going to name any names at this point because, frankly, it makes no difference. This problem is systemic. Besides I am not aware if this individual had any medical emergencies so I will not bring in any names.

Moving forward I will also be ruthless with those who delay and generally waste my time without proper courtesy.
Automotive Photographer. Pentax 645z and lenses with Godox AD600.


To All JJMF members ,   (Matter resolved amicably.)

This is a feedback for a senior member of this forum Mr. Sumanta Chandra .
After much frustration I decided to make this public to members here . In short  it's been close to 50 days since I made the payment for Contax G 35 mm F2 lens but yet to get hold of it . The sequence of events are as followed .

1. I was looking for Contax G 21 mm F2.8 lens urgently and was unable to find one .
2. In the mean time Sumanta Chandra  offered a Contax 35 mm F2 in  Excellent+++ condition.
3. 6th June  - I transferred the Money .
4. 9th June  - Mr. Kher offered me his 21 mm f2.8 . Same day I transferred money to Mr. Kher and same day evening he dispatched the lend which I received on 11th June . I would take this opportunity to thank Mr. Kher for closing the deal quick .
5. 16th June -  after much follow up Sumanta dispatched the lens . I realized later that the lens was sent to service center after getting money ..and hence the delay .
6.  18th June - I received the lens and found it having serious mounting issues . I was not able to mount to either of my G2 & G1 unless manually  setting the aperture to F8 . For all other lenses I have 21 , 28 , 45 & 90 mm  - I found this aperture locking is automatically done while unmounting from the body which was not working in 35 mm . He asked me to send him back the lens so that he can get it fixed .
7. 22nd June  - I couriered him back the lens . Since then he makes a new story each time I ask him for update .
8. 22nd July   - After one month being frustrated I wanted to repurpose the fund for buying an oscilloscope , hence requested him to refund my money for the time being and once the lens is returned from the service center fixing the aperture problem - shall pay once again and he can send it back to me . He agreed to transfer the money and I am waiting to repurpose it .

I have noticed him using this forum to sell gears ..hence thought it will be beneficial for the members to be aware of this incident before striking any deal with Mr. Sumanta Chandra who lives in Mumbai now. While he was in Bangalore , we met many times having chat on various subjects . This was really a precarious situation for me and I was in a dilemma to tell all about . You can understand the level of frustration .. it's almost begging for my money lying with him .

subsequent updates :  
9. 26th July - 72+ hours passed. In the meantime I tried to contact but failed to do so and there is no update . I wish the story ends this week.
10 . 2nd August - I have received the lens and matter has been settled amicably . I would like to thank Sumanta for showing real good intention to resolve the matter quickly last week .

Note : These two updates were posted earlier but probably not being noticed by all - so I have moved them below the original post written on 24th July .


Hello all admins and members

I hereby raise a complaint for faulty camera sold on our forum. below was the link for the same.,64774.0.html

i purchased this camera from the seller. as mentioned in the ad itself camera has some issue while doing menu settings. to which i had agreed.
i specifically asked him if there is any issue when i comes to shooting. he with 100 percent clarity said there is no problem.

upon receiving camera when i checked, shutter speed was not changing. that's a direct and serious problem while it comes to shooting.
i asked him about it and he said yes if you have to change shutter speed, switch camera to shutter priority mode , change shutter speed and come back to m mode.
this is most ridiculous answer i ever heard.

as he said that , he definitely knew the problem beforehand and still decided to deliberately hide it.
now once i purchased camera i purchased an adaptor from delhi based dealer to use pentax lens. there is no purpose of the adaptor now as camera is faulty.

seller here is offering to pay back for camera , but what about the investment i had to do because of his fault.
i hereby propose that seller pay for cam ( which he already did ), adaptor and shipping.

Pls guide us through

Warm regards


Hi Vinay

Since you have posted this towards all the admins and members, as a member I would like to comment. But everyone including you has all the rights to differ.

First of all, if all the sentences are correct, then Harish was deliberately hiding the fact. The shutter was not working in the manual mode. Now since Harish has agreed to pay the refund amount, he acknowledges his mistake. But as you know when we purchase a camera, lens etc we keep a lot of hope and excitement in our mind. When things turn out ugly we really become very much disappointed. So it's a very costly mistake and could have been avoided at the very first place.

Now coming to the adapter part, did you inform Harish that you are going to purchase an adapter to mount your pentax lenses and did he confirm you to go ahead? If yes, Harish bears the moral responsibility, whether he should purchase it from you or not it's up to him. But definitely he bears the responsibility. But if you didn't mention about the adapter to Harish while purchasing the camera, he shouldn't be held accountable. Instead of the simple adapter, suppose if you would have purchased a highly expensive lens what would you do? Would you tell Harish to purchase it from you as well? You should have waited for the camera to arrive and then order the adapter etc.

Third point - shipping. Suppose Harish is located in the same city, but far away. So you came to his home to check the camera and found it's faulty. Would you ask Harish to pay for your car's fuel charges and also compensate for the wasted time? When you are purchasing something online there is always a risk involved, but I feel getting everything at home through the courier companies, checking the camera at home is much more convenient than travelling far away through the traffic jam. So think of return shipping is just like your fuel charges.

I personally know neither you nor Harish, never ever had any transaction with either of you. So I tried to be totally neutral. But obviously in the future if Harish puts anything for sale and looks attractive, even then I will avoid them. Refunding the money is really good, but it doesn't undo the all the troublesome.

Harish Halemane

Hello all admins and members,

I have already refunded the amount for the camera to this person (UPI screenshot is attached). The maximum I can do is to accept the camera return. I have not sold any adapter to him. He has not informed me about buying an adapter for the camera (I have the full previous chat history with me). So, there is no point to argue for that.

I have been using the camera in my studio for mugshots in Manual mode with Elinchrome Lights till the date of selling. So there is nothing to hide anything.
Some minimal equipment only.


Hi Nirmalya
thanks a lot for looking in to this.

yes i didnt inform him about adaptor. but first thing first besides me asking if any issue is there in shooting, he deliberately hide the info. so i ordered adaptor considering its working condition. if he had motioned the problem and not hidden it , i would not have spent on adaptor.  And if this was a mistake i would have made some adjustments, but the fact that he knew the problem and didnt tell me is serious.

secondly, if seller is saying it has no issues in working, there is no reason why i would wait to order adaptor. I think that itself suggests that info given by seller cant be trustworthy.
which is not good for forums dignity.

Third point you mentioned is about shipping charges. firstly its hypothetical situation we are talking. if we was from same city. the thing that happened didnt happen under that situation. if problem was from my side i would have paid for shipping both ways.

Its a straight case of hiding info thus should be dealt accordingly.

i appreciate your effort to give solution.



so you are saying u did not say that camera does not have any issues in working ?

i also have all the chat history. i ask u specifically about any issues in working and u said none.
i am not settling for camera refund. you deliberately hide the info so face the facts.


